Thursday, July 7, 2011


Heinrich Harrar is known for his book, SEVEN YEARS IN TIBET and also as having 'tutored the present DALAI LAMA along with the fact a movie, starring BRAD PITT as HH, was shown and led impetus to further interest in TIBETAN BUDDHISM....I had been aware of his 'NAZI' background for years before it became 'revealed' and also 'transformed' but it is only after reading an interesting book, titled, VIRTUAL TIBET; FROM THE HIMALAYAS TO HOLLYWOOD, that I decided to mention him, an 'Austrian" who shares much with some other wellknown 'Austrians' that have tended to 'captivate' Americans for some years now and some of whom, affected our 'national' policies,etc.......Crypto-Nazis exist and make not mistake about this....and there are also 'Nazi sympathizers' or 'groupies' among their entourages... I have looked the book in the past and tended to dismiss it save for the mountain climbing which places persons like Harrar among those, along with myself, interested in ANCIENT TIBET....... As I do not have the book 'VIRTUAL TIBET' with me at the moment, having forgotten it in the rush to get here on line at the library where I compose these blogs,etc., I will have to return to specific items in it plus look up the author on line...but the book is both hilarious and revealing and informative,though I have to take issue with some things mentioned in it in regards to Theosophy and HPB and a few others.....namely some errors, in my opinion, that need rectifying.....