Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Already into this 21st Century and almost near the full quarter century, we have seen the RISE OF GERMANY & JAPAN after their near total destruction in various ways, giving a sense of confidence to those who still believe in these old  REGIMES and their offshoots now found in various places, thus giving rise to many who see such as a sort of 'vindication of them.

The release of much classified information on the Germans and Japanese War shows that the bulk of much of their weaponry, armaments and scientific pursuits were not understood or fully appreciated until now and also, UNKNOWN to the ordinary citizens of the VICTORS,such things were and still are being studied and utilized and expanded in ways beyond those initial developments and uses. A study of these now appearing on various TV documentaries of such are being shown and some considered most  important nowadays.

For instance, in medicine, organ transplants, certain drugs, and genetic studies have gained not only popularity but public approval, which includes cremation, synthetic fuels and other things, euthanasia
and genetic discoveries and operations not dreamed of prior to the experiments conducted by both JAPANESE & GERMAN SCIENTISTS,particularly on human subjects that people now ignore in favor of the present benefits being received by many, especially those who can afford such or now supplied in some cases by various government agencies....such as abortion clinics, accepted in some nations and controversial in others.

Dr.Josef Mengele,for instance, is now hailed as 'THE PIONEER OF ORGAN TRANSPLANTS' but is seldom recognized as such by organ recipients. More can be said on this subject and other aspects in the future.

As HITLER'S BIRTHDAY approaches, no doubt, the present activities in Germany, and especially in Japan now, will again serve to recall these things in many parts of the world, either in anger and hatred or in admiration and approval in deference to their history and the outcomes of today.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Many persons are now more familiar with the notorious ANGEL OF DEATH, Joesph Rudolph Mengele who,while originally an educated doctor,fellunder the sway of Nazism and the doctrines of 'racial' purity....which classified people according to two categories: SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR....or HUMAN & SUBHUMAN, along with various other notions..... RACISM in many forms is still alive and is often disquised in various ways, especially to make it more palatable and thus an insidious way of thinking.... Various caste and social and economic systems have also contributed the acceptance of 'inferior' and 'superior' peoples along with religious notions of the 'elect', the 'chosen' and the like...for those considered 'superior' while for the 'inferiors' they have been classified as 'sinners',the 'damned', 'evil',etc. Certain linguistic terms have led to stereotyping peoples and groups, like 'gypsies, 'hobos', 'blacks' etc. and led to persecutions for all kinds of things, from witchcraft to heresy or subversive,etc. Those who espouse such and continue to suggest things along these lines also try to bolster up their various notions and theories by invoking Darwinian 'interpretations' of all kinds and various 'evolutionary' and 'social Darwinist' ideas, including: overpopulation theories and birthd control/family planning and sterization/Eugenics programs, and other things on what they call 'scientific' methods,etc. These things have engaged both political and religious groups and tend to take on an 'economic' trend which eventually comes down to 'rich' vs 'poor' or 'superior' vs 'inferior' if examinded more closely....Richer people are more powerful, successful, and accomplished, etc. if one accepts these notions on the simplest basis rather than from any really detailed and actual basis....generally, on the basis of emotional considerations although, some will do so from what seems like a 'rational' basis, that soon is,if analyzed carefully, as the case of Mengele shows, irrational if not psychotic...a love of power...the power to kill and destroy... Various psychological and other explanations are often given in an attempt to understand all of this and those who deal in killing and death, usually for the pleasure it seems to give them and the satisfactions that they tend to derive from such practices, often called 'inhuman' by those who cannot comprehend why such persons and groups exist and why they do what they do..... By espousing various racist theories, no matter how rational or philosophical or religious they may be, one is, whether or not one cares to acknowledge such,one of 'HITLER'S CHILDREN'.....infected by the agenda that Hitler wanted to impose on the world..... If we examine this further, the seeds of insecurity are present in these persons who, by making others seem inferior think that such makes them 'superior' an old tactic used by many in all kinds of situations.... This is not the whole answer,of course,. but when one consid
ers the foundations of all this we can trace many of these notions from the United States that found their ways into Germany as a result of certain programs and practices done in the Us in the 18th,19th, & 20th regards various minorities,etc.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Heinrich Harrar is known for his book, SEVEN YEARS IN TIBET and also as having 'tutored the present DALAI LAMA along with the fact a movie, starring BRAD PITT as HH, was shown and led impetus to further interest in TIBETAN BUDDHISM....I had been aware of his 'NAZI' background for years before it became 'revealed' and also 'transformed' but it is only after reading an interesting book, titled, VIRTUAL TIBET; FROM THE HIMALAYAS TO HOLLYWOOD, that I decided to mention him, an 'Austrian" who shares much with some other wellknown 'Austrians' that have tended to 'captivate' Americans for some years now and some of whom, affected our 'national' policies,etc.......Crypto-Nazis exist and make not mistake about this....and there are also 'Nazi sympathizers' or 'groupies' among their entourages... I have looked the book in the past and tended to dismiss it save for the mountain climbing which places persons like Harrar among those, along with myself, interested in ANCIENT TIBET....... As I do not have the book 'VIRTUAL TIBET' with me at the moment, having forgotten it in the rush to get here on line at the library where I compose these blogs,etc., I will have to return to specific items in it plus look up the author on line...but the book is both hilarious and revealing and informative,though I have to take issue with some things mentioned in it in regards to Theosophy and HPB and a few others.....namely some errors, in my opinion, that need rectifying.....

Tuesday, December 14, 2010



Recall this 'slogan' which meant so much to a certain peoples who called themselves 'ARYAN' or 'GERMANIC' and who,among others, have sometimes developed a 'cultural amnesia' of sorts.....

Monday, October 18, 2010


If you go to the various existing bookstores you will find an increasing publication of various books on Hitler, the Nazis,WWII, and related topics,including the Holocaust,etc. The influence of Hitler and the impact of his life cannot be underestimated nor should it be forgotten or ignored.......a number of 'philosophers', 'occultists' and 'writers' fell under his 'spell' at various times, despite the numerous apologies given for their 'weaknesses' and susceptibility..... FASCISM whether of the 'Germanic' variety or of the "Japanese" variety is still FASCISM...and most of the modern, contemporary peoples have forgotten their efforts and attempts to dominate the world, to conquer the world, and to exterminate people considered 'inferior' or to enslaven them for use by them in various ways, ranging from 'medical experiments' or 'scientific study' or to produce more machines and bombs for destruction and conquest..... In fact, a number of war criminals, from Japan and Germany were never prosecuted or convicted and many were taken to the US and other countries to continue their most 'valuable' work and 'researches' and many still walks the streets today in various cities everywhere....unbeknownst to passerbys......

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Despite the outcome of the Second World War and subsequent events, such as, the collapse of communism or, at least the 'Soviet Version' so-called, there is still a vast number of people who are attracted to FASCISM,which is any system of that advocates PUBLIC OWNERSHIP OF LAND & GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT OF INDUSTRY & AGRICULTURE. This includes any methods of PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS of such by government. A further definition of FASCISM is that it is a THEORY that land, industries and the goods produced and derived from such should be OWNED and DISTRIBUTED by a GOVERNMENT supposedly REPRESENTING THE PEOPLE. THE FASCIST MOVEMENT BEGAN IN IN ITALY AROUND 1919 and was established by BENITO MUSSOLINI who,though he ended up slaughtered with his mistress by Partisans, was at one time hailed as a very important figure, a 'strongman', almost another 'saviour and messiah' etc. GERMAN FASCISTS emerged and became known as NAZIS and 'preached' the DOCTRINES OF NAZISM,which are still admired in some circles today, although many, if not most, are now to be found under other names and designations, some most surprising to those who do not realize some things about this process that has still to be fully understood and exposed to everyone's satisfaction. IN Spain, under FRANCO, the FALANGISTS emerged and they also embraced the FASCIST doctrines.